Tagging of photos is necessary when you want to enable searching for an event. In this article we describe how to tag photos by filename before they are uploaded. There are several other ways to perform the tagging work, but only one can be selected per an event. For more information on the other methods of tagging please refer to this article.
When using this method, the filenames of the images you upload will automatically be used to make them searchable. This method is useful if you feel more comfortable renaming your files on your computer before uploading them.
Step 1
The first step is to enable Photo Tagging under "Advanced settings" when creating the event. This will instruct the system to tag images as they are being uploaded.
Step 2
Next ensure that your filenames are ready before starting your upload. For example, to upload a photo of participant with a race number of 12345, the filename of the image should be 12345.jpg before it is uploaded.
Step 3
Remember to enable searching for the event in the Store Admin: Events > [My Event Name] > Settings Tab > Searching
Pro tip
To upload multiple photos of the person with race number 12345, simply follow this convention 12345-1.jpg, 12345-2.jpg, 12345-3.jpg. All three these photos will appear when searching for 12345.
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