From our experience, 95% of sales occur within the first 30 days. However, sometimes it is convenient to keep photos available just a while longer for the odd late order.
With our unlimited upload feature, you never have to delete events to clear up space for new ones. Instead, events are kept in archive for an extended period of time.
Archiving Schedule
The length of time an event is archived for depends on your chosen plan, how popular the event is and your general sales volume.
We calculate popularity in terms of the sales achieved by an event. The current archive schedule is outlined below:
Event Sales Total | Essential Plan | Prime Plan |
R0 to R149 | 90 days | 6 months |
R149 to R4999 | 6 months | 12 months |
R5000+ | 1 year | 2 years |
Please note that this schedule may be subject to change. Time is calculated from when the event's first file was uploaded.
Archive Time Boost
The event archive period is boosted for an additional period of time for accounts in the following Sales Volume Tiers.
Sales Volume Tier | Archive Time Boost |
Low Volume Tier | 0% more time allowed |
Mid Volume Tier | 25% more time allowed |
High Volume Tier | 50% more time allowed |
Example: An event, for a high volume tier account, with R5000 in sales will be archived for 2 years plus 1 boosted year, that is 3 years in total.
For more information on the qualifying criteria for Sales Volume Tiers see the help article here help article here.
Purchasing Time Extensions
It is possible to purchase an extension per event of 3, 6 or 12 months. This can be done from the expiring event report on the Store Admin.
Note that event archiving only apply to the Essential, Premium and Prime plans.
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